Cause and Effect Essay

Cause and Effect Essay: Example, Topics, Tips

Writing a great cause and effect essay is easier than it seems. It follows a logical pattern, and once you compose a well-structured outline, your paper will be half-done. Obviously, the cause and effect essay explains a certain problem, its causes, effects and details that created a certain outcome.

There are few easy ways to make a good fist and create a great paper. In general, cause and effect essays show how something caused another thing to happen. You can use a complicated structure to describe several causes and several effects. That is why it is highly recommended to start your writing with a detailed outline.

Cause and effect essay structure

  • Create an outline
    Start with doing research to learn more about your topic. Make a list of ideas to follow and structure your essay in accordance with this list. These points can form topic sentences of your further paragraphs.
  • Introduction
    The introduction should describe an overall background, describe a cause and provide an explanation why the effects should be considered. In a word, the introduction states the purpose of your essay and briefly describes the entire issue. At the end of an introduction paragraph, you should locate a thesis statement.
    Give a preview of a problem by placing several general concepts and statements, or the one that you select as the central.
  • Body
    Depending on your topic, you can use one effect that could be caused by several things or several effects that are caused by one thing. Return to your outline and find your first point. It will be the first effect to talk about. Describe causes that explain this effect. Include supporting details and write a sentence that would transfer you to the next paragraph.
    For the next causes and effects, repeat the same structure. Include quotations, statistics, and other supporting details and move on to the next paragraph.
  • Conclusion
    The last section is the conclusion. It is important to write a strong conclusion because it leaves a final impression that stays in the memory of your reader. You should draw your previous ideas together, sum the things up and analyze the main conception of your work. Don’t forget to include all the main points and sum them up in a conclusion.
    You are free to include your personal ideas and solutions about the theme. Pay attention to the last sentence of your conclusion. Restate your thesis statement and support it with facts from the body paragraphs. You can end it with a brief listing of causes and effects that you have discussed previously.

Cause and effect essay topics

Here are some useful topics for students that need an idea to discuss:

  • What can become a cause of a divorce?
  • What are the effects of pernicious habits?
  • What are the reasons of global warming?
  • What are the global social problems caused by poverty?
  • What are the causes of globalization?
  • What are the causes of poverty all over the globe?
  • What causes revolutions and wars?
  • What are the causes and effects of video game addiction?
  • What are the causes and effects of World War II?
  • What are the causes of cancer?
  • What are the effects of social media on family relationships?
  • What is the effect of growing up in a family with a single parent?
  • What are the causes of sibling rivalry?
  • What are the psychological effects of having a twin?
  • What are the causes of over-scheduling children at school?

So, have a nice cause and effect writing!